We can bemoan the oligarchs all we want to. Are we willing to make other choices? To give up the little perks we get for defaulting to a major sales platform that has its workers really upset right now?
I’m telling you nothing new when I say that stores used to be closed on Sundays. That shopping was more like a sport that just exhausted its participants. The law then changed and Sunday shopping became a thing.
After online shopping hit our economy, we suddenly became creatures that could get anything, anytime. We didn’t have to wait. The product didn’t need to be in our stores, or even in our country. All the little obstacles that made up 20th century shopping were flattened.
On Christmas, thumbing around my phone for craft supplies, two of the stores where I like to shop were closed for the entire Christmas/New Years holiday week. That meant not only that you couldn’t buy anything from them, you couldn’t even add it to your cart for later purchase.
That brings me back to the essence of the issue: are we, as consumers, willing to suffer the perceived inconveniences of the 20th century for variety and quality? Are we really going to reward a business for ease and comfort, over factors like expertise and real humans answering questions?
For myself, I am waiting until later this week to get my oils and potions.
Would you wait?