For Subscribers - Cult Avoidance Checklist
Cult Avoidance Checklist
So many people who leave a coercive control situation blame themselves, asking how could they fall for it? It was just a formula. Don’t blame yourself.
What are your interests? How do you like to spend your free time? Then make sure you keep doing those things. It gives you balance and perspective.
And if something feels awkward in one group, you have another for comparison purposes. Ask yourself if you would have been OK with it BEFORE you joined the group. Do you know anybody outside of the group that does it?
Weird Words
Cults use weird words they have made up, or change the meaning of regular words.
Cults can’t tolerate members who question or disagree. So try it. See how the group reacts.
What percentage of your income or savings are you spending on the group’s events or classes? If it is more than 10% - stop.
Trying to Terrify You
If the group is trying to convince you the world is ending, that a revolution is coming that…