For Subscribers - The "It's Not That Bad" Checklist
We should feel lucky to be alive now. Instead, all we are fed is despair and agitation. Here’s some historical perspective:
In 536 AD, a volcanic eruption caused the sun in Europe to be blocked out for almost ten years.
The bubonic plague. Need I say more? Today if you get the bubonic plague, you can take medicine and it will go away.
The Library of Alexandria, which held much of the known knowledge at the time, burned down.
People no longer die of exhaustion.
We have potable water, well except Flint, Michigan.
Women can vote and own property.
During the time of Louis XIV, a wife could be locked up by her husband and forbidden from seeing her family.
Teachers could legally beat a child to death in the U.S. only 150 years ago.
So there! Let’s just be happy with what is in front of us, while recognizing that some changes need to be made.